Transforming Goals
Into Financial Reality

Guiding your financial journey with clarity,
insight and a true partnership

About Life Plan Financial Advisors

Partnering with Life Plan means working with a small business that’s big on commitment.

With over 25 years of unwavering dedication, we bring Clarity, Insight and a true Partnership to guiding our clients towards their financial aspirations.

We take the time to listen, understand and create strategies that align with your goals.

Clarity in Complexity

Navigating intricate financial matters with jargon-free guidance for confident decision-making.

Goal-Based Advice

Crafting personalised strategies tailored to your aspirations for a secure financial future.

Transparent Conversation

Open, honest dialogue building trust and informed choices every step of the way.

Proven Expertise

Over 25 years of success, ensuring capable hands on your financial journey.

Our Services

With over 20 years experience, our services can help you achieve your financial goals.


Find the right insurance to protect your income, family home, children's future or business


Take the complexity out of building wealth and achieving short and long term goals with Life Plans investment strategies.

Retirement Planning

Whatever your retirement goals are, Life Plan can work with you to implement a strategy to get there.


Life Plan can help you reduce super fees, optimise contributions and save on insurance premiums.

Meet Our Principal Advisor

Rodney Rose is the founder of Life Plan Financial Advisors, a financial services practice committed to helping clients live well and take care of their family.

Rodney, originally from Melbourne, started his professional career in accounting. Through working with large multi-corporates and in roles that involved financial control and audit, he developed his love of helping people organize their wealth to maximise and protect their financial position for the long term. His strong attention to detail coupled with penchant for planning ahead led him to a successful career looking after his clients in Financial Planning.

Rodney is married to Sophie and has three boys who have an avid interest in classical music. His sons have played the clarinet and percussion in orchestral tours internationally. Rodney and Sophie enjoy taking peaceful walks by the water near their home in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney.

What Our Customers Say

Partnering with Life Plan means working with a small business that’s big on commitment.

Book a Free Consultation

Contact us for a no obligation consultation to learn how Life Plan can help you plan your future.

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Know where you stand – Wealth Report is a one-stop shop for understanding your financial situation

Project your future – Use Wealth Report’s industry-leading modelling to project your future.

Immediate response – Wealth Report delivers your personal report immediately.

Assess you goals – Explore multiple ‘What if’ scenarios for the years ahead.

Let us do the maths. With Wealth Report’s integrated approach, fill out your information once and we will apply all appropriate calculators to fit your life

Secure and private. We are unable to view your personal information unless you select the option to allow a qualified financial adviser from our team to view your data and contact you.

Download the Guide

In this free ebook we share 5 important steps to help you be the boss of your money.

We’re committed to your privacy. We may use this information you provide to us to contact you about our services. You may unsubscribe anytime.

Jane Brown

Head Accountant

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